Austria Codes

Austria Codes

Austria Codes

Codes of Austria

+43 AT - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Austria Codes (+43) AT / AUT - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies.
(+43) Austria Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts
.AT is the country code for internet and national web sites
Phone numbers in Austria.

There are no standard lengths for either area codes or subscribers' numbers in Austria, meaning that some subscribers' numbers may be as short as three digits. Larger towns have shorter area codes permitting longer subscriber numbers in that area. Some examples:

00 International call prefix
112 general emergency call
118xxx directory assistance services
122 fire
133 police
140 mountain rescue
144 medical emergency
147 telephone counseling for children (Rat auf Draht)
15xx generic information services (time, ...)
01 Wien/Vienna
0316 Graz
0463 Klagenfurt
050x virtual private network (VPN)
0512 Innsbruck
0662 Salzburg
0650 cell phones (Telering)
0660 cell phones (Drei)
0664 cell phones (A1)
0676 cell phones (T-Mobile)
0680 cell phones (BoB)
0681 cell phones (Yesss)
0688 cell phones (Tele2)
0699 cell phones (Orange Austria / Yesss)
0718 internet dial-up numbers
0720 location independent landline numbers
0732 Linz
0780 convergent services with ENUM (VoIP)
0800 national free call
00800 international free call
0804 internet dial-up numbers
08xx service numbers
09xx premium rate
The number-assignment of the cell phones can vary, due to number portability.
Yesss and Tele2 are using the network-infrastructure of Orange. Yesss is a discount-offer of Orange.
BoB is a discount-offer of A1 and therefore uses its network-infrastructure.
Since 2006 Telering is fully owned by and integrated into T-Mobile and therefore uses its network-infrastructure.
Mobiles in Austria - Mobile Phone codes in Austria
Mobile Providers with own Networks - Provider - Code -
Drei - 660
A1 - 664
T-Mobile - 676
Orange Austria - 699
Mobile Providers without own Networks - Provider - Network - Code -
Telering and Schwarzfunk - T-Mobile - 650
BoB - A1 - 680
Yesss - Orange Austria - 681
Eety - Orange Austria - 68183
Tele2 - Orange Austria - 688
eTel - Orange Austria - 6991599
Yesss - Orange Austria - 6998
Telering was bought by T-Mobile in 2005. As of 2006, Telering uses the network-infrastructure of T-Mobile. As a special requirement of the European commission, many of the former transmitters and frequencies previously operated by Telering were given to Orange and Drei.
BoB is a discount service of A1, Yesss and Eety is a discount service of Orange. Schwarzfunk is a discount service of T-Mobile.
Due to number portability, the code is not a safe way to evaluate the provider of a phone number. The providers assign only in exceptional cases (special sort of custom numbers, more expensive) non-existing numbers with a different prefix, and this is handled similar as porting an existing number from the desired network. However, the providers still have the administrative sovereignty over their own prefix.

Special / Service codes
Special Services - Service - Code -
call-by-call providers - 10
public (emergency) services - 1xx
phone breakdown advice - 111
generic emergency service - 112
directory service - 118
car breakdown assistance (ÖAMTC) - 120
fire department (emergency) - 122
car breakdown assistance (ARBÖ) - 123
police (emergency) - 133
mountain rescue - 140
ambulance (emergency) - 144
telephone counseling for children (Rat auf Draht) - 147
public services - 1xxx
current time - 1503
free services - 802 - >800
dial-up / ISP - 804 - 718
personal services - 710 - 730 - 740
premium rate - 901 - 930 - 931 - 900
premium rate dialers - 939
services with regulated max. tariffs - 820 - 828 - 810 - 821
telekom austria premium rate services - 711
numbers for convergent services - 780
virtual private network (VPN) - 50x
RTR - Austrian Numbering Plan
Deutsch - Telefonvorwahl (Österreich)
Phone numbers in Austria.

00 International call prefix

ISO-Numeric : 040
Country : Austria
Capital : Vienna
Area km2 : 83858
Population : 8847037
Continent : EU
Internet : .at
Currency Code : EUR
Currency Name : Euro
Phone : 43
Postal Code Format : ####
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{4})$
Languages : de-AT,hr,hu,sl
Geo : 2782113
Neighbours countries : CH,DE,HU,SK,CZ,IT,SI,LI Country : AT, State : Burgenland, State Name : Burgenland,
Country : AT, State : Carinthia, State Name : Carinthia,
Country : AT, State : Lower Austria, State Name : Lower Austria,
Country : AT, State : Upper Austria, State Name : Upper Austria,
Country : AT, State : Salzburg, State Name : Salzburg,
Country : AT, State : Styria, State Name : Styria,
Country : AT, State : Tyrol, State Name : Tyrol,
Country : AT, State : Vorarlberg, State Name : Vorarlberg,
Country : AT, State : Vienna, State Name : Vienna,
----- country-timezones ----- Country : AT, Zone : Vienna, Hour GMT : 1, Continent : Europe ,
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